Thursday, November 20, 2008

We Live in Exciting Times!

As you may have noticed we are experiencing a major shift in consciousness, one that will affect everything we do and how we do it from this moment onward. The time has now come for change. The economic crunch, a new President, and the internet serving the global community. With todays technology we have the luxury to make choices like never before, we have many opportunities at our fingertips, and can choose how to live our lives and serve others. The internet levels the playing field, and today, anyone can be successful with the right product, network and mindset, regardless of their educational or financial background. A far cry from the corportate world which demonstrates a disempowering competitive mindset. We are seeing a shift in leadership and a collapse of power-centric organizations. We have the choice to empower ourselves and strive to become a better version of our self, while assisting others to fulfill their dreams and goals. With a laptop and cell phone you can work from anywhere in the world you choose to, and no longer have to spend your life fulfilling other peoples dreams. As an entrepreneur you can choose the path of self-actualization and prosperity consciousness. It is the path of most fullfillment. The paradigm shift that is currently taking place is about abundance not scarcity and using the power of the internet to reach the masses and inspire them to be more, do more, and have more. To be part of this movement of Inspiring The Masses, all we have to do is let go of our fears, and embrace the peace of mind that comes with following your passsion. When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life. It means fear is no longer a dominant factor in what you do and no longer prevents you from taking action to initiate change. Hold fast to the course of entrepreneurism and let the journey begin! Susan Trepkov is Founder of Inspiring The Masses Inc. Susan works with Inspiration, Energy and Intention in an integrative approach to balance Mind, Body & Soul.

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